With Education and Training through the KIT Program, opportunities to apply what is learned though our Apprenticeship Program, and the ability to be a part of a close-knit network of instructors, I'm ready to help you take your LIFE and PASSIONS to the next level!
*This course is self-paced and if one were to go through every video in either the line dance or partner dance section in one sitting completion of the training could be accomplished in under 24 hours.
Take your love for dance from PASSION to PROFIT
in no time!*
Check This Out!
Maybe you've been told that every instructor needs to be a professional, or perhaps you're even thinking that yourself.
And I get it, there is a HUGE MISCONCEPTION that to be an instructor you have to have studied or have extensive training in dance, so it's easy to let that belief stop you...
WHY IS THAT WORTHY OF YOUR PAUSE? Because it can inhibit you from not only pursuing your dreams, but the people are are WAITING for someone like you to have an impact on their life by creating an amazing dance space will never get what they may truly need... even if they don't know it yet.
Many dance instructors begin WHERE THEY ARE, whether or not they have gone through ANY training.
And that's commendable! That's how I started myself!
BUT THEY ARE MISSING OUT on earning sustainable income levels and opportunities because they are skating by being a decent, or even good instructor... without the tools to become that SAUGHT AFTER (aka highly booked) instructor!
TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE, they think that teaching at a Country Bar, studio, or dance hall is the ONLY way to generate income as an instructor... and when they realize they pay is $50-75 PER NIGHT, they wonder how this will ever be more than a hobby that simply covers your gas and a drink for the night.
Did you know that well-informed and highly sought-after instructors make between $225-$550 (on the low end) PER GIG and can also make between $75-$120 PER HOUR on private lessons...and the best part is
Think about it? What's your HAPPINESS, GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR LOVED ONE, and peace of mind WORTH? Ever pay for the toll lane on the highway in order to avoid traffic? Does a dance date with your girlfriends or significant other sound like its worth $30/per person?
And that's what you are doing! You are providing an experience, an opportunity for joy, laughter, camaraderie, community, and an ESCAPE!
So what if YOU were a highly SAUGHT AFTER instructor, who made people excited for more and to share you with their friends, you can be making upwards of $2,000 - 6,000 PER MONTH
I am here to teach you
how to become that instructor.


The Edge Dance Event were we put dance floors in horse paddocks! -->



Instructor Program

DETAILED PROCESSES to plan and structure your lessons, from one-on-one private lessons to teaching thousands at a music festival.

IMPLEMENTABLE Best strategies to keep your students coming back and wanting more from YOU as their favorite instructor.

STEP BY STEP GUIDES that show how to build your following so that wherever you go the dance floor will be full of students and dancers, excited to share the floor with you.

A MASSIVE list of resources so you can find answers in one spot and
have a strong starting point for getting started.

DEMONSTRATIONS & TUTORIALS of "start here" line dances and partner dance moves so you have all the tools you need to start next week!

Instructor Program
This is your chance to learn from me as well as a whole TEAM of successful dance instructors combined with best practices from INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS all together under one roof so you can SKY-ROCKET your learning curve in a little time.
You Get To Keep Everything You'll Learn About How to Be
a Highly Paid and Sought After Instructor FOREVER!
Your investment in the program earns you CONTINUOUS updates so you can get more great ideas as well as they come!
Real Stories from Real KIT Students
Longevity is Key!
With KIT, I've learned some great techniques to bring to my students! I have seen a much better outcome in students retaining the moves for not only a single lesson, but lessons moving foward as well!
- Kiera, KIT Student
Truly Priceless Insight!
Participating in Coaching Conversations with Jo Thompson Szymanski was wonderful because she provided EXPERT INSIGHT into topics like making quality, meaningful choreography. she also genuinely validated some practice I am already doing as a current instructor!
- Kelsey, KIT Student
From No Clue to CONFIDENT!
Adia is a PHENOMENAL dance instructor. I came into the country line dance scene with NO CLUE what I was doing and after just a handful of lessons with her, my CONFIDENCE level shot through the roof. Highly recommend Adia.
- Nic, Partner Dance Student
3 Keys to Your Success
Humility and a willingness to learn and improve
Easy to replicate processes for everything you'll encounter in the industry
A great support system and network

Dance classes are like churches, even if there was one on EVERY corner there still would not be enough space to cater to the endless amount of people who are looking for a good fit! YOU get to be that good fit for so many people!
But there are
already so many
instructors in my area!

I wouldn't
even know
where to begin!
I was right there with you!! That's why me and my team have created some awesome tools and step by step guides to help you get started teaching easily!

Line Dance Training
We’ve got step by step guides for how to teach line dances so that your students are on the floor dancing confidently verses sitting on the sidelines, watching.
Partner Dance Training
We break down how to teach partner dancing from both the lead and follow perspective in a simple way so that everyone feels comfortable and confident to keep learning and coming back for more lessons and more fun!
Through our program you will be inspired to BE the instructor you want to take lessons from.
Learn everything you need to know to be a saught-after instructor!
Start building an audience that will follow you wherever you go!
Become empowered, organized, and highly paid for doing what
you love!

Great Curriculum and Instruction
Adia is positive, empowering, and patient. She helps me feel at ease in every workshop and private lesson and teaches dancing in a way that is organized, digestible, and fun! She is always making a positive impact on the community with her curriculum and her personality!
Learning from Adia has not only benefited my dancing but has helped me build the life of my dreams!
Private Lesson Student and Event Attendee
Good Instruction is Essential
The instructor course is absolutely phenomenal and has a lot of details and a lot on the personal approach on how to teach line dancing, couples dancing, as well as really respecting the choreography. Positive environment, great people to work with, and great connections.
One thing that I really learned through the course is that good teaching is essential to make people feel comfortable.
If you wanna become a line dance or country swing instructor this is the place to be.
KickStart Dance Crew Member

You'll Discover

OUR UNIQUE APPROACH to creating demand for your talent to be a saught-after instructor!
HOW VITAL it is to learn about building an audience that will follow you wherever you go!
THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT how to generate an income you can live on.
THE ART OF understanding key processes to guarantee customer retention.
and more...
What Makes This Program Unique?
The KickStart Instructor Training (KIT) Program aims to empower individuals with knowledge, training, and resources to become impactful dance instructors that make a positive contribution to the dancing community. The KIT Program was created to fill the need for knowledgeable and experienced dance instructors by providing up-to-date educational courses and training for all instructional levels, creating opportunities for instructor growth through an Apprenticeship Program, and paving a supportive path to a credentialed career in dance instruction.

The KIT Program offers 2 full educational training series: Line Dance Instructor Training and Partner Dance Instructor Training. Each Series is broken down into sequential courses that build from a strong foundation rooted in fundamentals to an enlightened path exploring advanced concepts.
-Taren Wilhelm
Curriculum Currator

Learn Moves and Concepts to Teach!

Our KIT Building Blocks are great for getting confident with foundational moves, musical cues, dance styles, and terminology for both Line and Partner Dancing
The KIT Partner Dance Building Blocks are the perfect instructor tools for how to combine country dance move into bigger patterns and teach them step by step for anyone to follow along.
Gary Lee
KIT Student & Creator of Country Swing Dance Connection Cards

KIT Program at a Glance...

Growth and confidence in instruction starts with education and flourishes with experience. The KIT Apprenticeship Program serves to provide opportunities for instructors to gain invaluable industry experience by applying concepts learned in training to real world dance environments alongside industry professionals. Through these apprenticeship roles, Instructors can receive direct feedback and build confidence faster through experience and guidance. Participation in the KIT Apprenticeship Program is immediately available upon any course/workshop completion.


Certification is awarded to those who complete a full instructor training series and participate in at least one role within the KIT Apprenticeship Program (or submit videos of requested demonstrations of instruction). Upon receiving certification, those individuals will be recognized as KickStart Credentialed Instructors within the KIT National Network of Instructors.
With the overall goal of making a positive contribution to the dancing community, the KickStart National Network of Instructors serves to mentor other instructors as well as fill the need for knowledgeable dance instruction in our communities.
Our education-based training and interactive-focused guidance (with ongoing Apprenticeship support), we hope to raise the bar on what it means to be a KickStart Credentialed Dance Instructor and set an industry standard of Instructor service.

In our Career Kickstart course, you will receive the essentials and fundamentals to start your career as a dance instructor. PD-101 includes a broad-based foundation of how to teach the roles of leads and follows, establishing connection between partners, safety awareness, body mechanics, best practices for instruction, introduction to music genres, dance selections, dance styles and footwork, and more. Each lesson is designed with the intent to learn the move and practice it to become comfortable TEACHING it to BOTH leads and follows, comfortably.
But I don't
have dance training
a partner to
practice with!

I don't know
who wants to
pay for lessons!
That's a totally understandable thought! The reality is that hundreds of people IN YOUR AREA who are just waiting for the opportunity! They just need to hear about it and we are going to show you get in touch with these unknown, aspiring dancers
Through our training program you will even learn some BEST PRACTICES for creating workshops, hosting high energy competitions, and booking private events which can be some of the EASIEST and most fun ways to make money as an instructor.
Check out what Jordan shared about his KIT experience!
A word from Adia...
The BIGGEST MISTAKE most people make is thinking that there is someone ELSE better suited or more worthy of the thing they desire.
Especially with social media projecting and portraying the best of everyone's experiences, it’s easy to fall into the trap that. And I’ll tell you what, when I first started on this country dance journey I definitely thought there were plenty of dance instructors who were way better than I could ever be and while I DESPERATELY wanted more people to partner dance with, that teaching position should be left up to the dance professionals. Surely there wasn't room for me in this industry...OR SO I THOUGHT!
But Let ME Ask You...
Is every person who inspires you or provides you with a service that you LOVE and CHERISH a credentialed, diploma-bearing with a resume up the wazoo? NO! So much of the time they are normal people (like you and me) who took a chance on themselves and shared their gift with the world! And you're GRATEFUL for that, aren't you?!

You Don't Need To Wait For An Invitation
To persue your passion to teach dance
So What DOES It Take?
First of all you got to realize that you’re worth it… Your dreams are worth it, your own dishes are worth it, your happiness is worth it…
Whatever it takes to pursue a life that you love that you’re able to spend around people that you enjoy… to break out of whatever shell, and whatever box, and whatever mold, you feel like you’ve been put into or forced to conform to.
You gotta know that what YOU HAVE TO OFFER is insanely valuable! Even if you’re rolling your eyes at me right now… It’s true!
And guess what?! There’s only one you in the universe, and only you can fulfill the purpose that you were put here to sell, and only you can touch the lives, have connections, build bridges, present, and provide opportunities, inspire others to believe in themselves, the way that you do.
So knowing that everything that you ultimately need to live your best life is within you…
And second, when you feel prepared, your confidence goes through the roof.
Preparation is a big key to confidence, and I know when I got started dancing, and ultimately instructing, there really weren’t the type of tools that I needed to be The phenomenal instructor that I wanted to be to the people who are in trusting their time and their dance passion to me. Think about it, if you were planning to prepare the greatest meal you would start with the tools you needed to build that masterpiece for others to enjoy.
There’s amazing resources out there, but have you ever tried to search Google for the answer the one answer that you’re looking for? You get a gazillion different websites pulling you in every-which direction leaving it to be YOUR job to piece it all together... AND in a way that will be the most successful!
After years of research, planning, and implementation around my desired field of interest, I can say that my confidence is higher than it’s ever been before and I want to help you get there as well…
This life is a Highway and your confidence is the car, the vehicle that gets you anywhere you want to go. I’m not here to encourage you to re-create the wheel… I want to GIVE you the wheel that no one ever gave me… I want to take your Google search and simplify what you’re looking for in a way that will help you gain not only the CONFIDENCE but the feeling of preparedness which then enhances confidence in what it is you’re looking to achieve. And THAT'S exactly what you will achieve through KIT!


Instructor Program
Get Started With Just $129
(Just $129/mo for the complete Signature Program)

The ALL OUT Guarantee
That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!
The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know giving your Dance Instruction a makeover will help improve all areas of your business, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…
"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”
Well… that’s simple. Try it.
Guarantee #1
Test-Drive The Program for 30 Days
When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into upleveling your instruction practices, simply email Taren at Taren@KickStartCountry.comand we’ll gladly refund your entire investment… no questions asked!
Guarantee #2
365 Days to Get Results!
After you pass your initial 30 days of being blown away by what’s been really missing on your Dance Instruction, I’ll give you an additional 11 months to put the training into action. If you do not see any positive results from this training, simply show us that you’ve done the work, and if it ain’t working... we’ll refund your investment!
Why would I do this? Because you shouldn’t have to pay for something that doesn’t work! And I’m so convinced of how effective this is, I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. That’s how much I believe in this training.

I've Got More For Ya!
When You Enroll You'll Get
(Valued at $1,400)
Designed to Speed Up & Simplify Your
Glow Up Instructor Status!

You'll get 3 months FREE of the KickStart Country GOLD Subscription which gives you access to dozens of instructional videos from various KickStart Country Pros from events and beyond! From Line Dance to Two Step, Country Swing to West Coast Swing... you're sure to build your library AND CLASS CONENT with access!
*Free for first 3 months of enrollment, $19.99/month after
On Average, KIT-VIPs
save $550/year in
bonuses and upgrades!
Grab your VIP membership at checkout!
ONE-ON-ONE Coaching Session
We know that one of the best ways to improve is to get hands on Coaching from others in your industry! We are excited to provide you with a FREE One-On-One coaching session in person or online to spend the time working on anything you'd like to see GROW!
Additionally, our network of Mentors throughout the USA we give special KIT Student pricing for a set amount of private lessons!

KIT Mentors are STOKED about the opportunity to share their platform and guide KIT Instructor Program students around the USA!
We love to support our instructors however we can so a special BONUS for you is our PRO-FEEDBACK SESSION where you can send in a 30-60 minute video of your class instruction, and one of our pros will give you feedback on making it even more amazing!

Instructors who got KIT classroom feedback were 5x more likely to book a new gig the SAME DAY from a single lesson?
We are excited to be hosting LIVE CALLS each week as a BONUS for our KIT Students. During these calls we will go over the curriculum but also open the floor for Q&A with some industry professionals so you can get the info from ALL the facets of a dance instructor career.
And YAY!!! These calls will be recorded so that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you'll always have access to these conversations... AND UPDATES!

Our All-Star Line up includes knowledgeable instructors from various genres, Country DJs, Event Directors, Social Media masters, and more!

Join Adia Dance in her Mindset Mastery 6 week series (self paced), where you will be inspired to put habits into place that will transform your life and wellbeing as you pursue your dreams!
*Her newest published book, As Is: A Guided Journal, is now available on Amazon
Instructors who are able to regulate their nervous systems and have a positive mindset are 7x more likely to attract reoccurring students?
Our Gift to You!
When you join KICKSTART INSTRUCTOR TRAINING PROGRAM, you'll receive access to everything you need to BEGIN or ENHANCE the best darn teaching career you could ever dream of! You'll get SOOOO much value Including...

The Top Skillsets and Retention Strategies every business owner needs to create a sustainable dance career that feels so good to live out!

Templates, Exercises, & Examples for each section of your training to best equip you with the tools you need to not re-create the wheel!

Complete Video Training (with over 20 Training videos), Outlines, and Resources so you can increase conversions with tips and strategies, and best practices from industry professions to keep your students coming back for more.

Building Block Tutorials for Partner Dance so you can learn everything you need to be able to share with your students from both the Lead and Follow Perspective.

Best Performing Beginning Line Dance Tutorials to generate the quickest income and the MOST success in your students.

LIVE Coaching Conversations
And much, much more!
Instructor Training Program

Get Started With Just $129
(Just $129/mo for the complete Signature Program)

You're Going to Love Your Results

"Worth Every Penny"
KIT has an amazing program! I joined last year as a VIP student, and WOW! The materials, guides, instruction, and the network of hundreds of amazingly, talented instructors, is unmatched! The opportunity to learn and grow is unlimited! Worth every penny, plus the people and friendships with the best in the industry is truly the icing on the cake!
-Todd Schwendiman
"It Really Made My Day"
My favorite moment, as a mentor at the Edge Dance Event (as part of the KIT Apprenticeship program), was getting to see the gratitude in peoples eyes as I helped them through a certain move or footwork, or ask questions on their behalf. It can be super daunting to ask questions in front of people, especially in a large event, setting like The Edge! It really made my day seeing that look of excitement in their eyes and getting those appreciative "Thank Yous".
KIT Student, Event Mentor


What makes the students who have taken this course so successful?
If I am just getting started and I don't yet have a teaching gig, is this program good for me?
I don't have a big email list or following, will this program still benefit me?
I'm not the best dancer, will this program help me become a better dancer?
How much time will it take to complete the program?
I don't have a partner to teach partner dance with, am I still able to build partner dance clientele?

No one has asked to hire to teach, will this program help me gain experience so I will be a saught-after instructor?
What can I expect when I enroll in the KickStart Instructor Training Program?
If I don't like the program, can I get a refund?
How long do I have to access this program and all the materials?
What is the certification you get from the immersive workshops?
How can I get added to the KickStart Network of Instructors?


Instructor Program
Get Started With Just $129
(Just $129/mo for the complete Signature Program)

I am so excited for you to get started!
*Timeline claim in intro: This course is self-paced and if one were to go through every video in either the line dance or partner dance section in one sitting completion of the training could be accomplished in under 24 hours.
Program materials created for use in this training are original or sourced and credited where applicable, similarities to previously published material is coincidental.
Materials used in connection with this course may be subject to copyright protection. Materials may include, but are not limited to: documents, slides, images, audio, and video. Materials in this course Web site are only for the use of students enrolled in this course and for purposes associated with this course. Unauthorized retention, duplication, distribution, or modification of copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited by law.
All parties who receive this material should consult with experts or professionals before making major life decisions based on the information published in the program.
With regards to suggested materials, the KIT Program Team Members cannot vouch for the absoluteness of suggestions. Use discretion before utilizing any product, service, or recommendation.
The KIT training program provides information and discussion about how to be a dance instructor and related subjects, references, and resources. The words or other content provided in this training or any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as an endorsement or as business, financial, or legal advice or expressed opinions of the KIT training program. If the reader or any other person has a business, financial, or legal concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed professional.